Blu Thua IS-B c13-6 2

< GGG #52 >

Discovered By: CMDR Jacob Astor

Date: 3310-03-09


Discovered by a Fuel Rat, this Class II GGG is located just 2,000 light years galactic north from the Bubble. Its most distinct feature is a large pink equatorial cloud band encircling the planet.

Body Characteristics
Type: Class II
Temperature: 228.357773 K
Mass: 890.2430 M🜨
Gravity: 6.16 g
Radius: 76,686 km
Rotational Period: 1.8 d
Axial Tilt: 39.3°
Rings: Yes
Moons: 3 (3 landable)
Region: Inner Orion Spur
Distance From Sol: 2,076.47 Ly
Distance to Arrival: 1,584 Ls
Orbital Period: 129.3 d
Orbital Inclination: 8.38°
Orbital Eccentricity: 0.0134
Semi-Major Axis: 0.00 AU
Argument of Periapsis: 343.46°
Hydrogen: 73.570358%
Helium: 26.429647%
Parent Star(s): K6 Va