Byoomi XE-X d2-7844 4

< GGG #17 >

Discovered By: CMDR Quag-maier

Date: 3305-07-15


A low-key GGG with no bright green visible on its surface, but its poles have been discolored to a dark blood-red. It is in binary with a Class III gas giant that can easily be seen from the planet. There are K10-Type Anomalies within the GGG's rings.

Community Name: Crimson Bayou

Body Characteristics
Type: Ammonia-Based Life
Temperature: 133.438171 K
Mass: 10.2565 M🜨
Gravity: 0.41 g
Radius: 31,990 km
Rotational Period: 169.1 d
Axial Tilt: -25.6°
Rings: Yes
Moons: 1 (0 landable)
Region: Galactic Centre
Distance From Sol: 24,853.20 Ly
Distance to Arrival: 2,415 Ls
Orbital Period: 168.3 d
Orbital Inclination: 9.42°
Orbital Eccentricity: 0.1688
Semi-Major Axis: 0.09 AU
Argument of Periapsis: 125.56°
Hydrogen: 74.100464%
Helium: 25.862392%
Parent Star(s): F9 Vb